Bright Women
For A Bright Future 

Find Your Path And Achieve...

Financial, Time & Location Freedom

Build the life you desire and lead avoiding overwhelm, burnout and entrepreneurial loneliness.

Pick your favourite program and join the community of like-minded women today!

To My Bright Future ✨


3 Steps of
The Bright Women


Essential Knowledge

Learn the skills traditional schooling often overlooks and live a life feeling secure, centered, moving towards your highest potential.
We are gathering all the essential knowledge a woman can need to thrive and make it available on one platform.


Supportive Community

Building true connections and growing with like-minded people, and celebrating wins together are some of the things that make this path worth walking. Meet wonderful women, find your next business partner and experience real support from all over the world.


Mentors and Masterminds

Lack of role models and guidance of an experienced mentor who truly understands your struggles and able to celebrate your wins with you are invaluable. Find your path, find the perfect mentor and apply to be selected to one of our Mastermind groups for monthly brainstorming with a tight-knit group.

Investing in myself

Our featured program

Harmony Over Hustle

- Half Your Work Time & Avoid Burnout

with smart systems and tools tailored to your needs.
by Lilla Ronga


As ambitious women, we want it all. We want to create, build something valuable, take care of ourselves and our loved ones, have a balanced relationship, learn, have healthy habits and feel like we are growing constantly.

There is a way to build the life you want, without letting go of any of your desires or worrying about feeling overwhelmed or disconnected.

Our 90-day program is designed to teach you just that. All of this in a community of like-minded women.


I want to work smart! →
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What we haven't learned at school...


How to Love Yourself:
A Journey To Self-Esteem And Self-Love

Do you often find yourself questioning your worth, feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts, or struggling to set healthy boundaries in life?

Have you ever felt lost in the chaos of everyday responsibilities, losing touch with who you truly are?

Practical knowledge you can apply in your everyday life today!

✨Annual Community access is included for all live sessions!

I'm ready!

Find Your Super Skill And Rocket Launch Your Career

Discover your true potential, uncover exciting career opportunities, and craft a strategic roadmap to success. Learn to ask for what you want and feel worthy of receiving.
Join our supportive community of learners and ignite the passion within you as you unlock the doors to a fulfilling and purpose-driven professional life.

✨Annual Community access is included for all live sessions!

Heavens yes!

Financial Planning Course For Security and Independence

by Laura Mcrae. Designed to help you achieve financial independence and security in a tangible way. Sometimes it’s so daunting to even know where to start. You will learn how to make effective financial decisions, plan for the future, and gain the confidence to take control of your financial well-being. This course comes with one-on-one or group consultation from our amazing tutor. 

✨Annual Community access is included for all live sessions!

Yes, please!
Join The Community

Still Trying to Decide?

This is for you if...

  • you are willing to make take action to better your life

  • happy to connect with others and like to meet new people

  • you enjoy learning about how to make your life better

This is not for you if...

  • just wish to watch a video course and not change anything about your life

  • don't mind about connecting and supporting others

  • you are not interested in learning new things every month

A Little About Us

I'm Lilla

Founder of
The Bright Academy

Education has always been close to my heart, and improving the opportunities people have is my mission. I am passionate about providing enjoyable learning experiences, focusing on topics we were not taught in school, yet that are very much needed in order to live a successful and fulfilling life. I want to let as many women know as possible: you are a one-of-a-kind miracle!

Learn More →

the team

My family has been working in the education industry for over 22 years. Starting from a small town in south of Hungary,

The Bright Academy launched in 2019 in Hungary. Our mission is now to expand our presence into the US, reaching one million women across the globe. Our goals are to: 

1) Provide knowledge across a wide range of topics, guidance, and support to help our community thrive and to balance the gender ratio in leading positions; and

2) Connect fantastic tutors, coaches, and mentors to those who will benefit from our experiences

Learn More →

Help Yourself,
It Also Helps Others!

After every course purchased,we plant a tree with the help of Eden Reforestation.

I'm Grateful I Can Give!
Need Clarity on Your Next Step?

Get Your Free
Life Design Guide

  • Assess all aspects of your life
  • Create a sustainable action plan
  • Build resilience
  • Free workshop video to guide you through

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Female Empowerment Through Online Education

Our mission is to help women build a strong foundation and feel supported so they can build their dreams and thrive.


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